1 (866) 212-6717 info@amgenvironmental.com
We offer CSO Studies and Monitoring, Stormwater Runoff Monitoring,
Pretreatment Compliance, and Industrial Wastewater Discharge
AMG Environmental monitors water quality by installing a wireless RTU coupled with water quality sensors. Multiple sensors can be plugged into a single RTU and logged simultaneously. Sensors include, but are not limited to:
AMG Environmental uses the Sigma Hach SD900 water sampler. This sampler when connected to AMG’s RTU, can be set up to trigger and send alarms when a predetermined depth has been detected by the RTU. The RTU will trigger the sampler automatically or the sampler can be triggered remotely by a user at any time.
The sampler will then run its program and fill any number of bottles from 1 to 24. Once the bottles are filled they are then collected and delivered to the lab for testing. Tests include, but not limited to: